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There's a reason top business owners have us on speed dial. We've scaled start-ups to $50k per month, SMEs from $50k to $400k per month, and $1M annual turnovers to $20M. We know what works!

There are two types of business owners:

* Those who try to do it all themselves and stifle their own growth.

* Those who bring in experts to build and run high-converting growth machines.

We handle the money-making part.

Ex Military Mentor, your veteran-run growth partner, lays the foundation for predictable, scalable growth.

So, let's see if you're in the right place...

  • You are struggling with an inconsistent sales pipeline but you are managing an average of at least 10K a month.

  • You're overwhelmed by numerous sales and marketing options and need a clear, straightforward strategy.

  • You've been disappointed by past experiences with coaches, consultants, digital marketers and seek a trustworthy partnership.

  • You recognize the potential of AI and technology but lack the know-how to implement them effectively.

  • You desire a reliable system that generates leads and manages your sales process efficiently.

  • You're looking for a way to achieve consistent revenue without the fluctuating highs and lows.

  • You want to focus on running your business, not getting bogged down by complex marketing and sales processes.

What Others Are Saying

James Wood, Sales Rep

Since joining a few months ago,
I have found Antony to be both extremely informative but also very interesting and he has really made me think about how I approach sales,
leading to some great results.

John Stepson, Business Owner

Working with the Ex Military Mentor was nothing short of transformative for my business. His one-to-one coaching sessions provided me with actionable strategies that helped me tackle the challenges I was facing head-on. I especially appreciated his approach to leadership, which is clearly honed from years of diverse experience. He's not just another coach; he's a mentor in the truest sense.

Mark Hamilton, Sales Director

I've attended numerous workshops over the years, but the Ex Military Mentor's stood out by a mile. The exercises were hands-on, the lessons learned were immediately applicable, and the atmosphere was one of genuine teamwork. It's clear he knows what it takes to succeed in both the battlefield and the boardroom. His insights into resilience and teamwork have significantly improved my sales team's performance.

At the core of Antony’s mentorship lies a commitment to empowering veteran entrepreneurs with the tools, strategies, and insights necessary to navigate the civilian business landscape successfully.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of military experience and business acumen, Antony has meticulously designed services that translate the discipline, leadership, and strategic planning skills honed in the military into tangible business success.

Explore how our tailored services can propel your venture forward:

1. 90-Day Achievement Sprints

Unlock rapid business growth with our signature 90-Day Achievement Sprints. Modeled after military operation planning, this service is designed to help you set and achieve ambitious goals within practical timeframes.

Through focused strategy sessions, accountability check-ins, and adaptive planning, we’ll guide you through executing high-impact actions that drive your business towards its next major milestone.

2. Strategic Planning for Veteran Entrepreneurs

Navigate your business journey with a clear, forward-looking strategy. Our Strategic Planning service dives deep into setting objectives, understanding market trends, and preparing for future challenges and opportunities.

With a focus on sustainable growth and relevance, we’ll help you craft a roadmap that not only outlines where you want your business to go but also the concrete steps to get there.

3. Operational Excellence

Elevate your operations to new heights of efficiency and effectiveness. Drawing on Antony’s extensive experience in high-stakes military operations and corporate leadership, this service focuses on optimizing your business processes.

From streamlining workflows to leveraging technology and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we’re here to ensure your operations are robust, agile, and scalable.

4. Customer Centricity

Place your customer at the heart of your business strategy. Our Customer Centricity service is all about understanding and anticipating your customer's needs, preferences, and behaviours.

We’ll work together to build strong relationships, deliver exceptional experiences, and ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty, turning your customers into your most powerful advocates.

5. Leadership and Team Development

Step into the role of the visionary leader your business needs. This service is focused on refining your leadership skills, from strategic decision-making to inspiring and managing your team effectively.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your personal leadership style or develop a high-performing team, we’re here to support you with insights, tools, and strategies that have been tested in both military and business arenas.

Why Antony’s Services?

Choosing Antony’s services means gaining a partner who understands the unique journey of transitioning from military to entrepreneurship.

It means leveraging a blend of discipline, strategic insight, and genuine care for your success. Ready to take your business to new heights? Let’s embark on this journey together.

Latest Insights

Leadership on the Battlefield and in Business - A Veteran's Perspective

Leadership on the Battlefield and in Business - A Veteran's Perspective

February 07, 20245 min read

Leadership on the Battlefield and in Business: A Veteran's Perspective

In the heat of battle, leadership isn't just about making decisions; it's about inspiring confidence, navigating uncertainty, and driving a team towards a common goal under immense pressure. These experiences don't just stay on the battlefield; they forge a set of skills and perspectives that can profoundly impact the world of business. For veteran entrepreneurs, the transition from military to civilian leadership roles offers a unique opportunity to apply these principles in a new context, blending the rigour of military discipline with the dynamism of the business landscape.

The Essence of Military Leadership

Veteran leading a business team, showcasing the transition of leadership skills from military to corporate environment.

Military leadership is grounded in a culture of resilience, adaptability, and a deep sense of duty. It requires an unparalleled level of trust and camaraderie, as decisions often have life-or-death implications. This environment hones skills such as strategic foresight, effective communication, and the ability to motivate and inspire under challenging conditions.

Key Principles:

  • Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Military leaders are trained to remain calm and decisive, even when the odds are against them.

  • Strategic Planning and Execution: Every mission requires meticulous planning, clear objectives, and the flexibility to adapt as situations evolve.

  • Team Cohesion and Morale: A leader's role is to foster a sense of unity, ensuring every team member is valued and motivated towards a common goal.

Translating Military Leadership to Business

Business strategic planning session with digital analytics, mirroring military operation planning techniques.

The transition to civilian entrepreneurship allows veterans to apply these principles in a new arena. The business world, with its uncertainties, competitive pressures, and need for innovation, presents a familiar landscape for veterans adept at navigating complex environments.

Application in Business:

  • Strategic Planning: Just as in military operations, business success requires setting clear objectives, anticipating challenges, and adapting strategies to meet market demands.

  • Resilience and Risk Management: The ability to stay focused and lead through economic downturns, shifting market trends, and business setbacks mirrors the resilience developed on the battlefield.

  • Building High-Performing Teams: The emphasis on camaraderie and trust translates into creating a workplace culture that values collaboration, diversity, and employee engagement.

Case Studies: Veteran Entrepreneurs in Action

Tech Startup Founder – Strategic Foresight in Action

Mike Patterson transitioned from a career as a Royal Navy officer to founding Prenovate, a startup focusing on cybersecurity solutions. During his service, Mike was involved in strategic planning for mission-critical operations, often dealing with uncertain and rapidly changing environments. This experience taught him the value of strategic foresight—a skill he found equally crucial in the tech industry.

In the military, Mike learned to anticipate potential threats and prepare contingency plans, a practice he applied to his business from the outset. He conducted thorough market research to identify emerging cybersecurity trends and potential threats. Like planning a military operation, he mapped out his business strategy with clear objectives, milestones, and adaptability plans to respond to market changes.

Mike's military background in strategy and risk assessment gave him a unique perspective on cybersecurity. He focused on developing proactive solutions that not just react to threats but anticipate them, ensuring that Prenovate 's offerings were always ahead of the curve. His approach to team leadership was also influenced by his military experience; he fostered a culture of open communication, mutual respect, and collective problem-solving, much like the camaraderie and teamwork he experienced in the Navy.

Under Mike's leadership, Prenovate rapidly grew, becoming known for its innovative solutions and strategic approach to cybersecurity. His story exemplifies how military principles of strategic foresight and meticulous planning can be translated into business success, particularly in industries that are as dynamic and fast-paced as technology.


Cultivating a High-Performance Culture – Military Cohesion Transformed into Business Success

Diverse business team in a team-building exercise, highlighting the importance of camaraderie and cohesion drawn from military experience.

Jane Pritchard, a former Army logistics officer, took the helm of LogiChain Solutions, a supply chain management company. Jane's military career revolved around logistics and operations, where success depended on the efficiency, cohesion, and morale of her team. She brought this understanding of team dynamics to her business, placing a high value on creating a positive company culture.

In the Army, Jane was known for her ability to unite diverse groups towards a common goal, often under stressful conditions. She believed that the strength of a team lies in its cohesion and the collective commitment to the mission. This belief shaped her approach to building her company. Jane implemented regular team-building activities and workshops, not just as a form of social engagement but as a way to forge strong professional bonds and align everyone with the company's vision.

She also introduced an open-door policy, encouraging her team to voice ideas, concerns, and suggestions, similar to the debriefs after military operations. This approach helped identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the company's processes early on, allowing for swift action and continuous improvement.

LogiChain Solutions thrived under Jane's leadership, renowned not only for its innovative supply chain solutions but also for its vibrant company culture. The team's high morale and mutual support translated into exceptional service for their clients, setting LogiChain apart in a competitive industry. Jane's story highlights the transformative power of military-inspired leadership and team cohesion in cultivating a high-performance culture in business.

The Competitive Edge

Collage of successful veteran entrepreneurs, showcasing their business achievements and the effective application of military leadership in entrepreneurship.

For veteran entrepreneurs, their military background provides a competitive edge in the business world. The leadership skills honed in the military—such as decisiveness, integrity, and the ability to inspire others—are invaluable assets that can differentiate their approach to business leadership.


Leadership on the battlefield and in business may seem worlds apart, but the core principles remain the same. For veteran entrepreneurs, the journey from military to civilian leadership is not just a transition but an opportunity to redefine the landscape of business leadership. By embracing their unique perspectives and experiences, veteran entrepreneurs can lead with a sense of purpose, resilience, and strategic acumen that sets them apart.

Call to Action

If you're a veteran entrepreneur looking to translate your military leadership experience into business success, explore our resources and join our community of like-minded professionals. Together, we can navigate the challenges of the business world with the same courage and determination that defined our military service.


No Fluff Chat

Veteran entrepreneurshipMilitary skills in businessStrategic business planningOperational excellenceLeadership and team buildingBusiness resilienceMission-driven customer serviceVeteran to entrepreneur transitionEntrepreneurial skills from militaryBusiness success for veterans
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Meet Your Mentor

Antony Draper

Ex Military Mentor

Meet your mentor, a seasoned veteran not just of the military but also of the business world. With an extensive background that spans from parachute jumps and war deployments between 1994 and 2005, to strategic roles at HP, Capita, Socitm Advisory, The Logic Group, Public Sector, his expertise is hard-won and diverse. In a quest to make the transition from military to civilian life smoother for others, he even founded a company dedicated to that very cause. Although the business venture did not succeed, it became a cornerstone experience in understanding what not to do—equally invaluable.

Today, as the Ex Military Mentor, he brings to the table a rare combination of leadership, resilience, and practical business know-how. His coaching services, webinars, and workshops are designed to empower business owners and sales leaders with insights and actionable strategies, deeply influenced by his military and corporate backgrounds.

As a recognised authority on topics like Leadership, Business Growth, and the Sandler Sales Framework, he's not just a coach but a thought leader who's shaping modern perspectives on business excellence. He is also an ambassador for the Cheltenham Business Growth Network and a member of prestigious networking groups like FORE Business and B2B Network Gloucester. So, when you're learning from him, you're learning from someone who's been there, done that, and is still doing it successfully